Guest Post webpage

Thank you for your interest in contributing a guest post to 

Post Guidelines and information:
  • Content Relevance: We accept guest posts, but please note that is a family-friendly blog. Therefore, we reserve the right to select and publish content that aligns with our family-oriented values.
  • Content Restrictions: We do not publish adult content or promote pornographic websites. 
  • However, we do accept posts related to gambling and betting, provided they are informative and not promoting harmful gambling practices.
  • Links: We allow one do-follow link within your guest post, which should be relevant to the article and our website.
  • Duration: Once your post is published, it will remain on our blog indefinitely. We do not remove posts after a specific period.
  • Sponsored Tags and References: We do not add sponsored tags or references to guest posts. However, you may request social media advertising at an additional cost.
  • Publication Fee: For one pre-written guest post, our publishing fee is 680 EUR + VAT (20%) if paid via invoice. If you prefer to pay through PayPal, no VAT will be added.
  • Content Creation: If you wish for us to write the article, an additional fee of 450 EUR will apply, with a delivery time of 3 business days. We will also include relevant images within the article.
  • Link Insertion: Please note that we do not accept link insertion in existing articles. Each guest post must be brand new and relevant to our website.


If you have any further questions or would like to proceed with a guest post submission, please contact us. We look forward to the possibility of working together. Send us your message:

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